Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lose Weight Easily and Stop Feeling Fat

Lose weight easily. Anyone who feels fat and flabby yearns for an easy weight loss solution. And actually the very acknowledgment that you are fat may indeed be the key which unlocks the door to weight loss.
People don’t like to be called fat. There is a definite stigma attached to being called fat. Somehow we have learned as a society that we should remove the label “fat” from our day to day vocabulary. We have been trained to know that it is OK to be called “obese” but not to be called “fat”. But does this ultimately help us to lose weight, or does it in fact provide a mental barrier to weight loss?
What I mean is that the word obese or obesity conjures up the concept of a medical condition, one which you cannot control but rather you are subjected to; it follows that the word obesity implies that it’s not your fault, and that you can do nothing about your excess weight. The obesity label can in fact make you feel even more out of control of your eating habits than you were before, thereby making you feel that you just cannot lose weight, that you haven’t got the power to lose weight. You feel helpless.
Fat, on the other hand, is just fat. The “fat” word implies that it is your fault, your eating habits which are to blame. Thus this is why I mentioned before that to acknowledge that you are fat may just be the thing which motivates you to start losing weight. You no longer feel that you are subjected to a disease which you can do nothing about; rather you are admitting to yourself that you have the power to control your eating habits and your weight. By acknowledging that you are fat as opposed to obese you empower yourself to take control and set about losing weight.
The fat versus obesity distinction is similar to that between having a cold and suffering from the flu. How often do you hear someone say that they have the flu when in fact all they have is the common cold? Why do so many of us prefer to feel helpless and powerless instead of feeling in control? Why do we prefer to suffer from something dramatic instead of something common and mundane?
I suspect that there are a few reasons. Perhaps we don’t want to take responsibility for how we are; we don’t like to feel that we are at fault or have caused our own issues, be they being over-weight or having caught a cold. Perhaps we choose to seek the easiest solution than to have to work at something; it’s easier to go to the doctor and take a pill (be it diet pill or anti-biotic) than it is to exert our own effort in getting better or losing weight. Or maybe we just follow the crowd and use these terms of obesity or flu because that’s what we are used to hearing, and we do not really think about their hidden implications.
Whatever the underlying reasons are, fat is fat. I have to second what our UK minister of public health was quoted as saying in a recent edition of the Sunday Times. Anne Milton said that calling people fat instead of obese was more likely to motivate them to lose weight.
Yes, some people do suffer from a medical condition which results in obesity and prevents them from losing weight. But I am sure that this does not apply to all of the nearly 25% of adults and 14% of children in the UK who are labeled “obese”.
If you want to lose weight then it does help to acknowledge to yourself that you are fat. When you feel fat and flabby and acknowledge that this weighty issue is due to your own eating habits and lifestyle choices as opposed to a metabolic issue or disease you then realize that you can do something about it. You can take control and adjust your eating so as to lose weight, be it in terms of eating different types of food, choosing smaller portions or exercising so as to burn calories more quickly. The first step to losing weight easily lies in getting your mind around the matter
How  To Lose  Weight Naturally
Are you tired of trying different pills and weight loss medicines available in the market but yet not able to lose weight? Well, worry no more; there are many simple and effective ways of losing weight and looking your best. Obesity is one of the dangerous diseases that is the root cause of many other diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, joint pain, heart attack, diabetes, etc.
Obese person not only suffers from humiliation but also has to face comments of people all the time. It is essential for a person to take care of his health. The lifestyle of most of the people is very hectic. Maintaining social and work life and taking out time for exercise can be very tiresome. Many of us are so lost in our own world that we hardly pay attention towards our diet. We eat junk food all the time and get obese due to our negligence.
In order to lose weight and get slim, you need to know what to eat and most importantly when to eat. If you do not want to get fat or gain weight then it is vital that you watch what you eat. Eating fatty and high calorie food in the night will add pounds to your body. Keep your dinner minimal and breakfast and lunch heavy.
Overeating is one of the biggest causes of obesity. Most of the people don’t even realize while eating that they are not hungry. Some of us eat because we see others eating and start munching with them. To keep yourself away from getting fat you need to take care of the food you eat.
There are several foods that can make you slim. Try and include more amount of fiber in your diet, fiber helps in absorbing extra fat and water from your body and helps in slimming you down. The options of fibrous foods are fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads, whole wheat flour, wheat bran, etc.
Knowing the nutritional value of the food you eat before hand is important, if someday you eat junk food then you can compensate for the calories and fat in your next day’s diet. There is no fast rule to get slim but if you keep a watch on your eating habits and stay away from food that is high in sugar, fat, and calories will definitely make you slim.
Exercise is important for everyone. Exercise has several benefits; it helps in keeping you fit and fine as well as keeps you young and strong.  Doctors recommend exercising at least half an hour a day to stay healthy. Exercises help in enhancing the mechanism of the body and boost your metabolism. When you exercise daily, the immunity of your body is enhanced and you are able to resist diseases and attack of germs on your body.  Therefore, good diet and exercise go hand in hand for maintaining a healthy body.  
Author:   jeanpaul   


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