Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to Stop Worrying and Live Happily – Permanent Solution

The more we chase happiness in life the less we have it. Living has become complicated and strange in modern world. With innumerable new discoveries man has surrounded himself with a vast sea of thrill and joy, but he is more worried and tensed in new world than he was a decade ago.
In various studies it has been found that more than 50% cases coming before a doctor today are related to day-to-day worries, or side-effects caused by them. Worry sucks our energy and makes a huge dent on ourIn pursuit of larger fun we ignore thejoys of daily living.
Many remember the good old days when even simple communications with friends and relatives produced large doses of good fun.
Are we really progressing, or more accurately, progressing in a right way? We must think before everything is out of our hands. If we become slave of our fate, life won't be worth-living.
Therefore the first step to stop worrying and live happily is to put a break on your hectic life. Not permanently. I am not going to scuttle your ambitious plans. Keep them in place. Forget everything for a couple of days. Relax your mind. Enter a new phase of thinking:

Medicine of Questions                                                    

Ask these questions from you:
1. Why should I get worried?
2. Am I pursuing the fun of tomorrow by erasing the joys of today?
3. Will I achieve more by worrying and ruining my health and happiness?
4. Why am I in the mad race?
5. What can I do to solve my problems?
Write the answer of each question in detail. It will free your mind from the emotional clutter. Your thinking will be clear. Bubbles of worries will start bursting.
But, it is a temporary solution to your present worries. The second phase of action will change your lifestyle and give you permanent solution.

1. Negative Energy

You must understand first that worry is a form of negative energy. If you use this energy its impact will loosen up. So dear friend, use this energy forcefully in a game, exercise or long quick walk.

2.Fun of Picnics

Due to fast pace of life people rarely go on picnics now. Keep one day in a week for outing: picnic, short travelling, visiting relatives or friends.

3. Power of a Hobby

Intentionally develop a hobby and give at least two hours to it every week. A hobby is a great relaxing tool.

4. Break the Routine

As soon as you reach home from your office or work please keep half an hour for an activity that will break your daily routine. Do something different everyday. Some examples of activities: Listen to music, try a new recipe even if you are not interested, take your spouse or children to nearby park, dance to a tune, take exercise, clean the house, shine your vehicle, do gardening, enter a neighbourhood house and gossip on various topics, call a friend for evening tea.
Now decide to act, and see your worry-habit flying in the sky for ever.
Good luck! Don't worry, be happy!