Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Home Based Business Archives

Unemployment hasn’t been this low since the depression. People are looking for a way to opt-out. Most families are extremely deep in debt and the foreclosure rate is at unbelievable highs. But the worst part of it all is most people are blindsided by the reality of life. Society has been brainwashed into believing that if we follow the normal blueprint of life we will retire well off. This concept sounds great on paper, but the truth is most people retire broke and nearly broke. The solution was never given to us otherwise I’m certain that more people would have signed up for that class. People have turned to network marketing as a way to offset the financial pain that many families are enduring. The most important factor that must be understood with no doubt whatsoever is “Profits are better than Wages”. Jom Rohn once said “Wages make you a living, but profits can make you a fortune”. When you start a new job, you start at the bottom and remain there for years trying to work your way to the top. Network Marketers can reach the top of their company based on your efforts. Therefore yor income has no cap! The corporate model is much different and nearly everyone in society follows it. A corporation has a boss or President; under him are some lower level managers . They the company president and vice president. Beneath those guys are your supervisors and under them are your workers. Now based on this model, who do you think makes the most money? The CEO and people at the top, right? Finally at the very bottom we have the pawns, your clerks, customer service, mail room people etc. Now I want you to focus, I want you to close your eyes and think about this very carefully. Who do you think works the hardest for the least amount of money? Yes the lower tier workers, many will work their entire life and never make what the CEO makes over a 10 year period. This triangle shaped model is set up so that the only people, who prosper or ever really have a chance of achieving wealth, are the people at the top. To reach the top, may take a lifetime and still some people still most people will never make it to the top. The network marketing model is an upside down triangle.
The way it works is, you begin at the lowest level possible and based on how much you put into it, the amount of money you can make virtually has no ceiling. You could possibly make more money than some pro athletes, doctors, lawyers and yes even CEO’s. But wait, it’s not just you everyone can move up and the amount of income you make usually has no limit. The worker in the other model will work hard and hope that his/her performance is good enough for a salary increase which also is controlled be upper level management. Let’s look at this theory just to see how you feel. Communism vs. Capitalism, one believes that the money should be controlled by the government because the people can’t do it on their own. “The people are too dumb and stupid and the state should run everything” capitalism on the other hand believes that “The profits belong in the hands of the people”. No you are not a communist and your company doesn’t practice communism, this is just an example to help you see where and how the majority of every dollar earned is distributed. The big boys make the big bucks and the little people get scraps. Network marketing offers a genuine solution, which will allow any person regardless of skill level or education and opportunity to achieve financial freedom. You can start part-time 10-15 hours per week and keep you full-time job, will working part-time on your fortune. Isn’t that fantastic! What would an extra $600 or $1200 dollars a month do for you to start? You probably already thinking about how you could use that extra cash.
I am certain that if you became one of those people earning an $10K per month, your lifestyle would change dramatically. Start living the lifestyle that you deserve, imagine no bills, a new home, luxury cars and dream vacations all without worries. It’s not what happens that determines your life’s future, but what actions you take in life. Network Marketing can truly turn your life around, it can be an expensive hobby if you choose to go out there and try and learn everything on your own. But the alternative to doing things the hard way is to plug yourself into a system that will give you step by step instructions to help you achieve your goals and let’s begin the “Journey to Your Success in Network Marketing”.

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