Saturday, January 15, 2011

Best Marketing Tips

Article Marketing: Tips for successful entry, the idea of article marketing is not new publishing entrepreneurs and professionals have always been free technical articles. They acquire thereby the reputation of an expert - which in turn leads to increased sales.
ut what was once limited to industry magazines and journals is replaced by the Internet is a viral dimension: Now you can set the posts in a number of experts platforms are passed from blog to blog and thus lead to increased traffic to the company’s website. And consequently more sales.
Article marketing is suitable for every company and every industry. However, only those authors are successful who have something to say and have a long breath.
Here are some recommendations for successful article marketing:
Choose a descriptive title
The title is the be all and when article marketing. Why? Who these days is to inform on a topic is one, or several keywords into a search engine. This then provides the most appropriate results. Your goal as a writer should be to appear with your article at the top in the link list and receive a corresponding number of requests. How do you achieve this? By installing the most important keywords on your topic in the title, which might best right at the beginning of the headline. To find the appropriate terms, you can also use a research tool.
But the title should address not only the search engines but also the user. This means that the reader will quickly see what it gets from the article and he should feel invited to read. The choices include words such as "The best ideas for …" or "Five Tips for … ‘very good - they promise valuable information, understandable fashion.
Some examples:
• "Milk Production: What are your cows produce twice as much milk"
• "Ten Tips for job interviews"
• Future prevention: Why you should start today so that "
• stock-picking - the five most successful strategies "
Deliver compelling content
The motto is: "Content is key." Just bring additional content that the readers really good. Give you practical tips, you tell tales out of school. Do you offer a new perspective on an old problem, describe unusual solutions. The reader must always have the feeling that he learns something new.
Find out which topics of interest to your customers more. What answers they seek, what terms they googled? Try to guess the questions of readers and answer in detail. Write as if you were talking to a prospect.
And what about the keywords? Of course you should also incorporate key words - after all, you do give the search engine fodder. Ideally, users encounter when searching for certain terms like on your item. Yet for all the relevance of keywords - the content is important. For what good is a text that is peppered with key words, but offer the reader anything new?
More articles of the author: How to bring customer value to the benefits of reasons why customers buy.
Do not advertise
Remember: It’s about the reader and his needs, not your company and your product. If you do not scare the reader, then you offer them practical help and avoid blatant advertising.
Talk to the reader directly as "you" to. So that you show that you understand his insecurities and needs. They signal that you are on his side - the familiar reader you.
The aim of the article marketing is not to promote your offer, but to pass on your knowledge. By convey your knowledge, increase your expertise and be credible. And as a result you get more orders.
Write clear and simple
As with all good text is: You should write clearly and avoid - as far as possible - foreign words and technical language. Express yourself so that you understand the general reader. For you or write for a scientific association nor a literary circle. Bring examples from everyday situations and report on personal experience - that’s your text life.
Do not forget the Author Info
It is essential, yet it is often forgotten: the Autorenbox at the end of the article. This little biography author shows the reader who you are, what you do and how we can reach you. Keep copy short, crisp and without self-congratulation.
A tip: Consider the author info as "Elevator Pitch". Describe in one to three sentences what makes you unique. Another tip: Bring the reader through free offers to bring the same to visit your website: "On my website you will find more details on Chinese negotiating tactics."
Publish regularly
One for the Money: Do not expect the same dozens of requests for release of the first articles. Even after the second. Article marketing is a medium-to long-term investment. Only if you regularly publish interesting articles, stay with your audience in mind and then be contacted if your services are needed. Maintain why this attention carefully.
Recycle your article several times
Make your contributions not only experts in platforms and a similar article directories. Use your articles for blog posts, white papers, eBooks, and perhaps even as a basis for podcasting. You can also use forums and newsgroups. And of course the good old print media: industry magazines, chamber publications, association news, etc.
Do not forget to point to newly published articles. Apply for new texts in your blog, your website or in your email signature.
And also allow other authors to use your items - such as in their eBooks or newsletters. Enter your texts for free use under your name and Web links freely: "You can use this article free of charge on your website in your newsletter or other online media Please enter me as author and link to my site.. "
by Girish Gehlod

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